Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Confessions of a sweet tooth

Ever since my Dad had his surgery, the way I see food is a little different than the way I saw it before. I'm my Dad's daughter...genes and I know that what has happened to him could be me several years down the road.

I have always been conscience of my weight and a desire to "keep it down" but I have truly never been a "healthy eater". For instance, when I was on Weight Watchers, I would eat as little as possible throughout the day so that I could have a big ice cream cone at the end of the day!:) Ice cream, chocolate and just about anything sweet would be my pick over a meal any day of the week...unless, of course, you wanted to throw in some yummy bread and butter and a bunch of cheese!:) I put smiley faces at the end of the sentences but it really is all true...and I'm not really that pleased with myself.

At this point, some of you may be thinking I'm from another planet, others of you may actually find some delight in the fact that we hold these things in common :) and, some of you that see me on a regular basis will start watching me at potlucks and dinner's to see if I am really changing at all!:) And, you know what, I welcome the accountability...I really do!

Anyway, back to seeing food a little bit's not just about calories...but what kind of calories I am putting into my body. I've been looking at saturated fat content and sugar content and reading up on what carbs, protein, fiber, fat and sugar does to and for our bodies. It's super amazing how God has made our bodies to work and how, what we put into it, really does determine how well our bodies will be able to do the job they've been given to do by God.

So, we've begun to make some changes in the Pichura home...nothing drastic...but everything in moderation! And yes...once mom is on board, everyone gets to get on board!:) Poor Faith asked me yesterday when our "diet" is going to be over :)...I'm not sure she liked hearing that this was the way we were going to be LIVING!:)

The junk addict in me is not liking this whole thing too much either. In fact, I have noticed myself struggling with being irritable and not being joyful. With a disposition of "cranky" instead of a disposition of rejoicing. And I think food is at the heart of it.

There are so many ways people in our world seek to be satisfied, to be happy. Of course, we know that apart from Jesus, nothing will satisfy...but there are still many ways others look to find happiness that we, as believers, cannot and do not take part in because they are sinful. Not so with food. Food, in and of itself, is not it has always felt very "safe" for me. I spend much of my time "denying self" as I take care of 6 kids and homeschool, etc... and (junk)food has been one area that I don't deny myself...that I can enjoy and not have it taken away from me no matter what is going on that day. And, if you have ever had a "Friendly's" Reece's Peanut Butter Cup Sundae than you know that food CAN make you least for a while!:)

The ability to eat junk food whenever I wanted (and as much as I wanted) really had become an idol to me without me even realizing it. And the reason I can recognize it now is because as I am seeking to deny my cravings and desires in the area of food, I find myself losing joy and growing irritated. A sure sign that an idol is lurking nearby!

I guess what I am learning is that there is no such thing as a "safe" affection. Everything, no matter how good it is, can still become an idol when we want it more than God. Anyone, no matter how dear they are to us, can still become an idol when we love them more than God. It's a daily battle to fight against the idols that so quickly creep up...and it's a fight in which the battle cry must be that of Lamentations 3:24:


That is my prayer, that is my goal...that is the truthful confession from a "sweet tooth"!

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